طاقه المحبه الكونيه
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طاقه المحبه الكونيه
مرحبا بك فى بيتك الكونى
طاقه المحبه الكونيه
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

طريقه لفتح العين الثالثه

اذهب الى الأسفل

طريقه لفتح العين الثالثه Empty طريقه لفتح العين الثالثه

مُساهمة  admin الجمعة أغسطس 19, 2011 7:47 am

Here is the Open Portal Technique…

1. Lie down and relax completely. Use the Total Relaxation Technique described in a previous blog post to help you relax and enter the Alpha level of mind. With either hand, take your pointer finger (index finger) and place it gently between and just below your eyebrows at the top of the bridge of the nose. Begin circling your finger clockwise and massaging this area gently for about 30 seconds. Afterward, pull your finger away and notice if you still feel a “swirling” effect in this area without touching it.

2. Once you feel the swirling sensation coming from inside your head in this area, simply observe the swirling of the energy, tilt your eyeballs upwards twenty degrees and see if the feeling intensifies. If there is a stronger sensation of swirling without touching the area, breathe in through the nose and as you do FEEL energy (you can pretend or imagine this part) rise up through the soles of your feet, upwards into the calves, moving upward into the legs, groin, hips, torso, up the spine, into the throat, head and into the swirling area of energy. This can be done with one single inhale. On exhale, feel the area strengthen and pulsate with a glowing power.

3. Again, inhale and bring the energy (imagined or felt is the same) upward through the soles, up the body through the spinal cord into the head and into that area of swirling energy. On exhale, feel the energy greatly intensify with power. Do this 33 times. That is 11 sets of three breaths – in and out. So breathe in, pull in energy into the area, breathe out, intensify and amplify the energy three times in a row, then do it again another three times, and then three more, etc. until you have performed this pattern eleven times total.

4. If you have done this and felt it as you’ve done it, you will no doubt be feeling a rather intense swirling effect going on in this particular area of your head. You can probably re-create the feeling in a few seconds now by simply thinking of the swirling. It’s still important to pull in energy from the quantum vacuum and direct it into this area to strengthen and solidify the energetic form.

5. Repeat this every night before bed, and every morning before getting out of bed. Do this for two weeks. You will most likely begin to “see things” pretty quickly afterward. I don’t know for certain if you will see the same things I did, such as the light-green twisting cyclone, but you will have activated and opened your third eye to the point where your awareness will be greatly expanded.

6. This makes it easier than ever to actually project your conscious awareness through the tunnel and go wherever you want, just by placing a mental image of where you want to go or who you want to see at the perceivable end of the tunnel. It is highly recommended that you keep a journal right by your bedside so you can write down whatever words or images come to you upon your re-integration into the physical body… you have less than 10 seconds from that point to remember what happened.

7. After two weeks of doing this technique, I wouldn’t recommend continuing it on a daily basis as an overload of energy can cause other systems in the body/mind to become somewhat unbalanced, and from my experience can cause a bit of chaos. Experiment wisely, and record your results. If things get too intense, back off completely, readjust your schedule and do it less often.

Please keep in mind that if one is not properly prepared or protected, it is not a safe practice to open portals such as this.

Before doing ANY astral or energetic work, it is very important to saturate yourself mentally in a violet light. This may not make any logical sense, but the color violet is very high on the spectrum of light and vibrates at very high frequencies. Higher frequencies “chase away” lower ones and lower vibrations simply cannot exist in the same space as higher vibrations. (i.e. “light chases away the darkness”)

Give this technique an honest try if you are the adventurous type and would like to see what else is truly ‘out there.’

Remember, don’t just try this once, twice or three times and expect a result. You may, or may not get one. But doing this technique twice daily for two full weeks (that is 14 solid days in a row) — will prove to you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.


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سفير المحبه الكونيه

عدد المساهمات : 380
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/11/2010
العمر : 54
الموقع : ارض المحبه الكونيه


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